From Ancient Civilizations
to Centennial Celebrations

Discover the history, defining moments, and signature locations of Boca Raton’s history

Since the earliest days, Boca Raton has been a community steeped in rich history and tremendous growth, creating a magnet in South Florida for world-class development, tourism, recreation, and business. Enrich your knowledge of Boca Raton with a walk through historical highlights, from the earliest inhabitants to the present day.

For an even deeper look at the City’s history, including exhibits, tours, and archives, visit the Boca Raton Historical Society.

How Boca Raton Got Its Name

“Boca de Ratones” first appeared on sixteenth century maps associated with a site on Biscayne Bay in present day Miami Beach. By the early nineteenth century, Boca Raton (spelled various ways) was mistakenly associated with our current Lake Boca Raton. The early pioneers in the 1890s-1900s often spelled the place name “Boca Ratone,” so people would pronounce it correctly. The final “e” was dropped when the town was officially incorporated by the state of Florida.”

Explore the History of Boca Raton

2000 B.C.E
2000 B.C.E
The first known inhabitants of Boca Raton occupy a site at today’s Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, the now 20-acre coastal preserve.

“Boca de Ratones” is shown on the Bernard Romans map located on Biscayne Bay in what is now Miami Beach. The name is an archaic nautical term for a rocky inlet meaning “mouth of jagged rocks.”


The first known appearance of “Boca Raton” on a map in association with its present location. The name was mistakenly given to Lake Boca, which remained closed until the latter part of the 19th century. 


Joe Sakai establishes the Yamato Colony to serve as both a farmland and a settlement for Japanese immigrants. “Yamato” means “Great Peace” in Japanese. The Yamato Colony is remembered today in Yamato Road, a major street in Boca Raton, and in Morikami Park as well as  the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens which can be found just north of Boca Raton.


Pearl City, a community for African American residents, is established between Dixie and Federal Highways just south of present-day Glades Road. The name was derived from the Hawaiian Pearl pineapple and packing sheds that formerly existed in this location. 


On May 26th, the Town of Boca Raton is incorporated, becoming an official town in Florida. As the town approaches its centennial in 2025, this event will be commemorated as a key milestone in its history.  


Soon after the incorporation, Architect Addison Mizner’s Mizner Development Corporation initiates the “Boca Raton” development project to be the “world’s greatest resort.” 


Florida Power and Light brings electricity to Boca Raton and soon after, Mizner’s Cloister Inn, now the Boca Raton Resort & Club, opens on February 6th.


That fall on September 18 the Hurricane of 1926, South Florida’s “Hurricane Katrina,” strikes the area, sounding the death knell of the land boom. The Depression comes early to South Florida. 


Boca Raton is growing! Federal Highway and The Seaboard Air Line (today the Amtrak tracks) connect Boca Raton with South Florida, and the Town Hall is completed, which now houses the Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum and the Boca Raton Visitor Information Center. The Ritz Carlton Golf Course also opens at the future site of Sugar Sand Park Community Center.


With WPA funds, the town builds the Boca Raton airport. Six years later, the airport transformed into the Boca Raton Army Airfield. After the war, its ownership was transferred from the military to the town of Boca Raton for public aviation purposes. 


J. C. Morris builds a post office and commercial building on East Boca Raton Road. The street becomes Boca Raton’s “downtown” retail business district. 


Africa U.S.A., a wild animal nature park, opens in what is now the Camino Gardens neighborhood. It closed in 1961, reportedly from an infestation of disease-carrying African red ticks that was found on the animals.


The Boca Raton News publishes its inaugural paper. Initially a weekly publication, it later began daily operation. The Boca Raton Historical Society maintains a searchable digital archive of issues of The News from 1970 through 1995. 


The town of Boca Raton officially becomes a city. This marked a significant shift from its earlier status as a small town and was the beginning of its transformation into a more urbanized area. 


The state cabinet approves the construction of the newest state university, Florida Atlantic, to be built in Boca Raton. Two years later, Marymount College opens, which is now Lynn University. 


Boca Raton Community Hospital opens its doors.


Arvida opens a twenty-six-story tower addition to The Boca Raton Hotel and Club.


The first condominiums open at the Boca West development 


Town Center Mall opens well away from the “town center.”  The mall is the largest enclosed and conventional shopping mall in Palm Beach County.


IBM launched the IBM PC and revolutionizes the technology industry, making Boca Raton the center of PC operations.


IBM was the first company to build an industrial site on 550 acres in western scrubland.





Gumbo Limbo Park was officially established, focusing on environmental conservation and education. The park’s name derives from the “Gumbo Limbo” tree which is native to the area. 


Old Floresta, originally named just “Floresta“, a site of twenty-nine homes designed by Addison Mizner in 1925 officially becomes the city’s first historic district. 


Mizner park opens. One year later, the International Museum of Cartoon Art opens in Mizner Park. 


The City of Boca Raton celebrates its Centennial, marking 100 years of growth, innovation, and community spirit. As we look back on a century of achievements, we also look forward to continued growth and prosperity in the years to come!